Would you like to help?
The 'New' Church (1922)
195 Collegiate Street
The Heritage Church (1853) and St James Cemetery
525 Tylehurst Street
As you can imagine, taking care of a Heritage historical building can be expensive, with any repairs having to follow the historical nature of the building, and upgrades needing to be completely reversible, leaving no trace.
For instance:
In the early 2000s, the Altar Window was sagging and needed to be re-leaded and reset;
A few years ago the south window in the choir area was broken: it cost $2400 to replace so that it matched the style and materials of the 19th century;
We wanted to extend the seasonal use of the building, so that we could hold services there in the spring and fall. The heating choices were limited, because most of the options required drilling through the logs ... not acceptable;
The building needs regular maintenance: paint, shingles, foundation, etc.;
The cemetery also needs tending: grass, hedges, etc.
If you would like to help with keeping this piece of St James alive, please consider making a donation to our parish ... you can specify where you would like it to be used: maintaining the Heritage Church, maintaining the St James Cemetery, or even general parish use.
Any donation amount is welcome ... donations $25 and over will receive a tax receipt.
Thank you so much!
simply send them to sjac@shaw.ca
with a message to specify where/how you would like it to be used.
If you know of a specific project,
please note that as well.
made out to:
St. James Anglican Church
with a memo specifying where/how you would like it to be used.
St. James Anglican Church
195 Collegiate Street
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3J 1T9
If you are designating towards a specific project, please note that as well.