Where we are ... and who to talk to
Mailing information:
St James Anglican Church
195 Collegiate Street
​Winnipeg, Manitoba R3J 1T9
The 'New' Church (1922)
195 Collegiate Street
The Heritage Church (1853)
525 Tylehurst Street
Peoples' Warden Elizabeth Bonnett
Rector's Warden Angela Brandson
Deputy Rector's Warden Rosalie Gill
​Webmaster webmastersjac@shaw.ca
Organist and Music Director Eva Brown
​Incumbent: Rev Dwight Rutherford
Our office does not have regular hours, but we check the phone and email regularly for messages.
Phone (204) 888 - 3489
Email sjac@shaw.ca
You could also email any of our Wardens, listed above, or submit a request on our Contact page.
When Father Murray Still retired from St James at the end of 2020, Bishop Geoff and the Mission Development Team assigned two interns to work with us on our spiritual journey.
Ryan Turnbull and Wilson Akinwale worked with Angela, our Parish Lay Reader, to provide our worship services. We shared them with St Thomas Weston, as well as a few joint services.
Since October 2021, our worship team led the services on its own. Summer, 2022, we worked to discern our future and entered into discussions with St Mary, under Bishop Geoff's guidance, and now we share our near future, and Rev Dwight.
St James Cemetery: for record searches and information on graves, contact the Church Office, or email the Cemetery Manager