
Services commemorating
Infant and Pregnancy Loss
will be held annually
on the first Tuesday
following Labour Day at 6:00
Collegiate Street Church.
Service Videos are now online at YouTube
... here ...
They cover our services from 2020 until now, including most of the live streamed ones as well as those recorded at
Heritage Church
Our Mission Prayer: Guide us in our mission, O loving and life-giving God, so that we may love You and love each other; drawing strength from our past and working in harmony with each other in the present, as we move forward in Christian community, reaching out in prayer and service to the world around us. Amen.
We welcome all to join us in worship and fellowship. May you find inspiration and comfort in your faith.
Parish History
The congregation started to worship in 1849, when settlers started to move west from the Red River Settlement. The original church was consecrated in 1855, in the middle of the cemetery that now looks across at Polo Park. Before that, the site had been used as a refuge for victims of the flood of 1850. The Parish of St. James gave its name to the growing village, and our life has been bound up with our local community ever since.
We continue to use two buildings: Heritage St. James (across from Polo Park) has been restored, and is used during the summer for regular Sunday worship, as well as some baptisms, weddings, and funerals. The “new” Church (1922) and Parish Hall on Collegiate Street (just South of Portage) is our centre for regular worship and programmes throughout the year.
195 Collegiate Street
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
Welcome to our new Internet home.
This site is still in the process of rising from the ashes of the old one (the crumbs of which are on my laptop), but the most important bits are here, now. The rest is coming, so please be patient.
Please contact me if you have questions, or requests.
... Elizabeth
Curiosity: where our visitors are from!